Eureka Moment!
Someone said to me recently, when we were discussing how best to get our message across, “I never talk about features, I only talk about the pain points that we can alleviate”. All of a sudden there was a Eureka moment in my little head! Well, of course it sounds so obvious when it is spelled out … I mean … who cares about every little detail, we just care if something will make our lives easier.
For example, if you’re buying a new purse/wallet, you don’t care if it has automatic fastenings designed by British Areospace, or zips developed by Cambridge University, all you care about is – can I get my cards, cash & change in it and does it fit in my pocket/bag. Ok, that is maybe an oversimplification but the principle remains the same – what do you need?

School Information
For the purposes of this article, we are talking about data in schools. Most of you will have at least one MIS, and usually a few other ways of recording your data. Your MIS is great and holds huuuuge swaths of data on your students, your staff, safeguarding etc ….. So, you’ve met all your statutory requirements to hold this information. Now what happens if you need to track any stats, or do a report, or …. God forbid, actually analyse your data so that you can use it proactively to improve school and student outcomes?!?

I’m going to go out on a limb here and state that we, at SchoolsBi, can help with all of that. The reality is though, each School or MAT is different, and each job role has different requirements, but essentially it is true – we can help. We offer a standard version of our dashboards for all or bespoke versions for Primary & Secondary Schools, Academies and MATs.
What you say
It takes me and my team days to prepare an annual assessment report.
What we say
No problem. Just share your SchoolsBi dashboards, print them out or insert them into your report. You will be able to track your performance against other terms/years/schools.
What you say
We are drowning in spreadsheets and need a more efficient way to record and report on data.
What we say
Ok, well why not let us design you an app or form to make it a million times easier.
What you say
I want to automate some of my teachers’ mundane tasks to free them up to do other things …. Like … well … teach!
What we say
We will work with you to analyse your every day processes, identify where time/cost savings can be made, and give you the automation programs you need, and faster than you can say ‘what Christmas Party?’ 🤣!
Finishing Off
These just a few examples to give you a flavour of the sort of thing we can do to help to get rid of some of those pesky old pain points for you:-
- Analyse MAT data
- Analyse Academy data
- Analyse School data
If you’d like to know more then just Book A Demo or Try Before You Buy.