Welcome to our new Multi Academy Trust – the Made For Fiction Trust (MFFT). This is a new Trust comprising 4 Primary Schools and 2 Secondary Schools. It’s goal is to be an Education innovator, pushing the boundaries to ensure that the very best Education outcomes are possible. The Senior Management Team is made up of forward thinking specialists who want to drive the performance of the Trust.
In no particular order, meet the Team ….

Finance Manager
Penny Less
I work with the CEO and the other Leaders of the MFFT. My main responsibilities are preparing an annual budget for the Trust Board and managing day to day operational spend. I have to ensure that our long term financial management meets the requirements of the DfE and EfA. I work closely with Heads in the 4 primary and 2 secondary schools in the MFFT to ensure compliance with financial procedures, including the purchasing of services, the preparation and monitoring of individual academy budgets and ensuring that academies comply with their statutory obligations.
In my spare time I like to go mountain biking with my partner, I’m also a bit of a closet Gamer!

HR Manager
Polly Cee
I implement, develop and deliver the people management and payroll strategy across MFFT. Included in this are performance reviews, recruitment, complex payroll/pension management, the management of grievance and disciplinary matters and employee relations/employment legislation. I provide HR support across the MAT to all stakeholders and drive best practice and compliance with relevant policies and legislation.
At home I love crafting and making special gifts for my friends and family. I specialise in creating novel items from other people’s rubbish.

Operations Manager
Bill Ding
I directly manage or work with colleagues to co-ordinate and oversee the MAT’s day to day operational functions. These include customer service, contract management, estate and site management to secure the delivery of effective, high value for money services and solutions across the MAT. The Health & Safety policy across all the schools is also my responsibility. In addition I manage the conversion process for schools joining MFFT.
Out of the office most of my free time is taken up with Lawn Bowls as I am the regional representative for my club, and compete at county and national level.

Anna Conder
I have a background in teaching, as well as business, so I’m well placed to ensure that there is no disconnect between our Teachers on the ground and the Management Team. It is important to develop collaborative school improvement strategies and an effective scheme of delegation. Trust-wide governance models, performance metrics, monitoring and governance are the sorts of things that drive my day-to-day workload.
To wind down I play tennis at least twice a week – obviously indoor for most of the year due to the British weather!

Education Manager
Noah Lott
I report directly to the CEO and the Board of Trustees and am held accountable for the performance of the schools and the development of what MFFT does. I have key targets to achieve around building relationships between the schools and with other organisations. Through challenge and support, it is my job to ensure that the pupils at the MAT experience the high quality of provision necessary for an excellent education.
My passion is cars; any sort, any age. Every spare moment I have is spent tinkering about with a couple of ‘doer-uppers’ that I’m working on.
We hope that you’ve enjoyed this brief introduction to some of our Team. You will be hearing much more from them going forwards as we follow them as they deal with the day to day challenges within their MAT.